To our amazing casts, writers, fans and supporters:
After over three years of Carnage Shows, we’ve finally come to an end or reached an end for the current series. “A Christmas Carnage – The Final Cut” ties up the series with one final blow.
We want to thank everyone that’s been involved with cast, writers, fans and supporters. We are very grateful for everyone who has been involved. It has been one hell of a ride. And we couldn’t have done it without each and everyone of you.
However this is not the end of an era, but the beginning of a new franchise that will feature your Carnage favorites as well as brining back past characters. Sketches, skits, original songs, a comic and a Chance and Marvin mini cartoon series are all in development and we look forward in sharing these with you.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Now let’s raise a little Hell! – Kym Nash and Kristine Knowlton